In this demonstration, you will be playing the role of both the establishment manager and the guest.
Any information you provide below or during this test will be automatically deleted at the conclusion of this test and will not be used by LetsDineOnline in any way.
It is highly recommended that you either first, Review and/or Print or Download a copy of the Reservation System "Test Drive" tutorial.
NOTE: We recommend performing this test on a desktop or laptop computer for the best user experience.
NOTE: The Reservation System Dashboard has instant access to Help & Tutorial topics as well if you don't have access to a printer.
View TutorialPrint TutorialDownload/View Tutorial PDF
In this demonstration, you will be playing the role of the individual who checks in your guests to be waitlisted. You can enter any fictitious guest information you want, but it is essential that you enter in a "cell phone number" that is either your own cell phone number or the number of an individual in your organization that is in your presence. This will be essential for you to verify the way in which the potential guest is notified that their table is ready.
It is highly recommended that you either first, Review and/or Print or Download a copy of the Waitlist System "Test Drive" tutorial.
NOTE: We recommend performing this test on a desktop or laptop computer for the best user experience.
NOTE: The Waitlist System Dashboard has instant access to Help & Tutorial topics as well if you don't have access to a printer.
View TutorialPrint TutorialDownload/View Tutorial PDF
Provide an Email Address
Provide an email address that you have immediate and easy access to during this test. For best demo purposes this email should be accessible from the device you're using for this test.
NOTE: The Email Address you provide will be automatically deleted at the completion of this Test Drive.
Provide Your Cell Phone Number
Your cell phone number is not required to provide an effective test and is only needed to demonstrate the text messaging aspect of the system. If possible, please enter a number for a cell phone that you can access during this test.
NOTE: The Cell Phone Number you provide will be automatically deleted at the completion of this Test Drive.
NUMBERS ONLY (Area Code & Cell No.)!
No leading "1", dashes, spaces or parantheses. Example: 5553211234